Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's getting colder....

One of my less favorite aspects of living in New York is winter.  I'm from California....Southern California.  For most of my life, winter was a chilly 55 degrees with some fog and rain.  Despite the fact that this is now my 8th winter on the East Coast and my 4th actually in NY with commute involved....I'm still not used to the snow, slush, coats on and off, scarves, gloves, hats, extra wardrobe bulk, freeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzing cold.  I have to fight the urge to hibernate every winter.

 My winter laziness should not be confused for Seasonal Affective Disorder however, or even as a trigger.  I've wondered about that, but as far as I can tell, my cycles don't follow any sort of seasonal or weather patterns. It's almost too bad because at least that would help establish some kind of baseline pattern that would help in control.  On the other hand, I'd hate to dread the change of seasons.  That's one of my favorite parts of living here....I actually get to experience, see, and live the seasons.

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